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Several companies have already bought the domain names in domain .ai for sites about artificial intelligence and robotics. For example, domain names  bot.ai  ;  robots.ai ;  aitia.ai. This initiative deserves attention and further development.

So I also tried to make efforts for the development of the domain .ai as a domain for artificial intelligence and robotics. I registered the following names:

For the portal domain names are:
1. ailics.com
2. airics.com
3. aitics.com
4. portal.ai
5. pr.ai
6. rr.ai
7. world.ai

All these names are intended to refer to the main page. The first three names reflect an attempt to choose a name for the science about artificial intelligence. Until now, this name does not exist, or it is simply called AI. Ailics - short for "artificial intelligence and artificial life"; airics - short for "artificial intelligence and robotics". The next group of names reflects the application of artificial intelligence in specific areas or specific concepts related to artificial intelligence:
8. agro.ai - Artificial Intelligence in agroindustry
9. arts.ai - Artificial Intelligence in arts
10. bots.ai - Bots
11. car.ai - Car with Artificial Intelligence
12. chess.ai - Computer chess
13. commerce.ai - Artificial Intelligence in commerce
14. dir.ai - Directory of Artificial Intelligence
15. ed.ai - Artificial Intelligence and education
16. ethics.ai - Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
17. gamer.ai - Artificial Intelligence in games
18. house.ai - Domestic robots, smart house, smart home
19. industrial.ai - Industrial robots
20. laws.ai - Laws of Artificial Intelligence
21. med.ai - Medical robots and Artificial Intelligence
22. mil.ai - Military robots and Artificial Intelligence
23. ml.ai - Machine learning
24. nano.ai - Microrobotics and nanorobotics
25. nn.ai - Neural net
26. philosophy.ai - Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence
27. risk.ai - Risk and limitation Artificial Intelligence
28. robotics.ai - Robotics
29. si.ai - Singularity
30. space.ai - Robots and Artificial Intelligence in space
31. sport.ai - Competition robots and artificial intelligences
32. strong.ai - Strong Artificial Intelligence
33. swarm.ai - Swarm Artificial Intelligence and swarm robotics
34. taxi.ai - Driverless taxi with Artificial Intelligence
35. test.ai - Tests for Artificial Intelligence
36. toy.ai - Toys with Artificial Intelligence
37. uv.ai - Unmanned vehicles
38. xxx.ai - Robots and Artificial Intelligence in xxx-themes

Forum and blogs:
39. blogs.ai - Artificial Intelligence Blogs
40. ff.ai - Artificial Intelligence Forum
41. forum.ai - Artificial Intelligence Forum
42. rf.ai - Russian Artificial Intelligence Forum

The names for online stores:
43. aifiction.com - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics fiction
44. book.ai - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics books
45. robotshop.ai - Robotics store
46. robotstore.ai - Robotics store
47. st.ai - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics store
48. store.ai - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics store

49. wiki.ai - Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Wiki

Anguilla island and domain:
50. anguilla-ai.com



In a world of rapidly evolve artificial intelligence and robotics. In addition to traditional industrial robots it is used in medicine, military, space, agro-industry, cars, etc. Trade in products of this sector is growing and is projected to reach tens of billions of dollars a year. Domain zone .сom is full, and area of artificial intelligence and robotics deserves a separate domain, like .tv, .aero and others. The ideal domain for artificial intelligence and robotics is a domain .ai, open for registration at the end of 2010. Abbreviation  "AI" is widely recognized for artificial intelligence, robotics closely adheres to the theme of artificial intelligence.
But in 2013 will be strong competition.
On June 20, 2011 ICANN's board voted to end most restrictions on the generic top-level domain names (gTLD). Companies and organizations will be able to choose top level Internet domains. ICANN will begin accepting applications for new gTLDs on January 12, 2012.  The initial price to apply for a new gTLD will be $185,000, with an annual fee of $25,000. ICANN expects that the first batch of new gTLDs will be operational at the beginning of 2013.  ICANN expects the new rules to significantly change the face of the internet. Comes a new internet age, next generation of creativity and inspiration.

This will give the opportunity to create a domain zone .rob or .robot for robotics.
So that domain .ai have a half years of a monopoly position, to get ahead.
In addition, the domain has important advantages - it is shorter by one or three letters, what is highly valued in the domain industry. Also domain. Ai is more versatile. For example, the program Siri for iPhone is not a robot (bot?), but the domain zone .ai fits just right.
Since .ai is more convenient to combine the name before the dot. Most likely, there is work for both domains. But now supporters of the domain .аi have a chance to get ahead.
Possible, and Anguilla is to take some effort to advertise their domain, such as to have a couple or two robots for the tourists, make a small museum of robots and artificial intelligence, to organize a scientific conference, the more that scientists like to ride at a conference on high-level resorts.
Several companies have already bought the domain names in domain .ai for sites about artificial intelligence and robotics. For example, domain names  bot.ai  ;  robots.ai ;  aitia.ai.
I also tried to make efforts for the development of the domain. ai as a domain for artificial intelligence and robotics. These efforts are described in http://anguilla-ai.com .



http://keyworddomainnames.com.au/direct … ce-com-au/


Artificial Intelligence. This keyword domain name will grow in value at an extremely rapid rate over the coming 8 to 10 years with the advancements of more super computers, robotics, cloning programs and other medical and chip implant needs. There is no discount on this domain name and it will increase in price every business quarter by 10%.  http://www.artificialintelligence.com.au/












dotAI is also closely associated with the word "Artificial Intelligence" or simply A.I., making this top-level domain name uniquely suited to any site tied to the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it.